Shipito: order anything that is exclusively available in US!

 Shipito is a parcel forwarding company which allows products only available in the USA to be delivered to many countries. The advantage of this service: its simplicity.

Just for exemple If you are high-tech geek you have mostly seen many very attractive products, unfortunately exclusively available in the USA. Here it comes the Shipito company thinking of billions of consumers who want really to get these products  from the United States in fact it has created a simple but efficient delivery system . how it works ? actually, by assigning several addresses in the United States to you dear consumer , this allows you to order to these adresses and the company takes care of the rest including reshipping your package to you.

once you click sign up you will see this :

after entering valid information and choosing your plan click create your account then you need to verify your email like this :

you click confirm email adress then your account is finally verified all you need to do is signing in and go to your account settings to see your us adress that you will use whenever you want to order something 

and when you click modify adress book at side bar you will be able to add your local adress to where shipito will ship to :

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